09 September 2007

Everything is miscellaneous

I've been rather charmed, challenged and inspired by "Everything is Miscellaneous", David Weinberger's excellent book about classification.

I thoroughly recommend it to records managers everywhere. Although not specifically about records management, it is a fascinating tale about classification in the past, present and, the rapidly approaching, future. I particularly enjoyed the stuff about tagging which could well turn out to be the new classification.

Is this where we are all going? I will return to this topic in the very near future. It offers us a 21st Century way of managing the vast amount of unstructured data we all have lying around the place.

Click on the title of this piece to link to Weinberger's hour long presentation on the subject. Give it a go when you have the time. It's well worth it.


David Povey Australian historian and archivist said...

There is an excellent video explaining Everything is MIscellaneous at on You Tube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4CV05HyAbM

Red Kite said...

Thanks...that's a great video. I've linked it to a new post.

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